The Park Practice - Dental Clinic

Instrument sterilisation

We have installed the most up to date sterilisation equipment

Dental Instrument Sterilisation:

We have installed the most up to date sterilisation equipment, as effective decontamination is essential for the safe provision of dental services and the protection of the dental team.

A local decontamination unit (LDU) is an area seperate from the surgery where all contaminated equipment is sterilised for future use. The facility uses a state of the art washer-disinfector. This washes rinses, washes at high temperature, disinfects and then dries all of our instruments. These super clean instruments are then passed on to one of our three autoclaves to be sterilised. The sterilised instruments are then placed in sealed bags, maintaining the sterility until they are required again in surgery.

Benefits of an LDU include:

  • Exceptional standards of hygiene
  • Sterilisation process under the control of the dental practice
  • Government recommended sterilisation method
  • State of the art sterilisation system
Opening Hours
8.30am - 6.30pm
8.30am - 6.30pm
8.30am - 5.30pm
8.30am - 6.30pm
8.30am - 4.30pm

0141 334 1211
The Park Practice
61 Park Road
G4 9JE

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